Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Co., was established as industrial investment company in 1990 with 20%80% government and private equity interests respectively.  The main activity of QIMC is to invest in setup and manage large and medium scale manufacturing units. QIMC’s authorized IS 475.2 Million. Currently, QIMC has equity interest in 18 projects in various industrial sectors including chemicals, petrochemicals, construction materials and food processing.  QIMC’s investment strategy is essentially driven by the fundamental principle of investing in economically viable industrial projects that utilize locally/regionally available natural resources/intermediate products.  QIMC welcomes the participation of all investors and technology know-how holders in joint venture in viable large/medium sized projects. AbdulRahman Al-Thani graduated from University of Missouri, USA and established QIMC in 1990 and has been Chairman since inception. He is currently Managing Director of Doha Bank and Chairman of Qatar Oman Investment Co. He also board member of several private companies in Qatar and Oman.Mr. AbdulRahman Al-Ansari graduated from Qatar University and started his career with QIMC in 1990 Currently, he is the CEO of QIMC. He is also holding number of high level position in Government and private companies.  He is currently Board Member of Qatar Chamber of Commerce, Qatar Oman Investment Co. and several other private companies.\n

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